Tuesday, March 25, 2008

iPhones Considered Dangerous to Your Social Life

From the "I knew that" category in the this LA Times article:

"It's turned me from a really annoying know-it-all into an incredibly annoying know-it-all, with the Internet to back me up," said Sadum, a technology writer in Denver. "It's not a social advantage."


.... Backstage recently in a Little Rock, Ark., theater, actress Natalie Canerday said the cast of a play was enjoying debating the year Bruce Springsteen's album "Born to Run" was released. Then the director took out his iPhone. All conversation stopped as he sought the answer: 1975, according to Wikipedia.

"Everyone said, 'Oh,' " Canerday recalled. It was another awkward iPhone moment.

Man, I remember seeing the ads for that album in National Lampoon and Rolling Stone that summer. Shows I can be annoying without paying the $400.

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