Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Go see Dream Science Circus this week!

If you're in Vancouver, that is. They're at the Waterfront Theater
through Sunday Sept. 28, 2008. Seeing how they're from Bellingham,
the home of kinetic and static human sculptures, there'll be
plenty of acrobatics. Any more and I'd be spoiling the surprise., of course.

There's a $2 discount for the weekday shows if you give the password
when you order them. Email me for the secret vord.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Finite Jest

I just found out David Foster Wallace offed himself last
Friday. I'm one of those people who actually enjoyed
Infinite Jest. I had to devour it when it came out, as
I had it on a one-week loan from the new books section
of the library. That ran to about 140 dense pages a day,
but I finished with two days to spare.

Wallace's genius was more readily available in a few
stretched out pieces he wrote for magazines like
Harper's -- a famous one called "Getting Away from
Getting Away from it All" on the Illinois State
Fair, an expose of 7-day Caribbean cruise ship
vacations ("A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never
Do Again"), and most recently, a hypertext-on-print
analysis of right-wing talk stations.

And now it's over, without so much as a footnote.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Canadian Cash Cab Debuts Tonight

From Adam Growe:

Hi There,

I'm even going to watch it. and I was there!

The Discovery Channel (and every Wednesday)
8 p.m. ET/10 p.m. PT

Discovery HD (Fridays)
8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT

You'll like it too. Thanks for watching.

Don't miss it - support Canadian culture (or at least Canadian imports of American versions of British creations).