Monday, February 8, 2016

Lyrics for "A Marvelous Dream" by Christian Kiefer

Ronald awoke and washed his face in the sink
he'd had a marvelous dream
slipped on his boots and grabbed his stetson

Said Nancy I'll be right back
I'm out to check on the herd
and I give you my word
that I'll return long before dinner is served

And Ronald rode out
protected by six-guns immense
and Star Wars missle defense
and he smoked a cigarette
and watched the desert blow clear

Ronald shot a rabbit
sitting tall in the saddle
in a field of cattle
and he thought of the days
when he shot Indians
and bad men and Mexicans

and so every hero
clears the world of the wild
leaves it soapy and mild
and settles down on the outskirts
of some cattle town

And Ronald rode out
protected by six-guns immense
and Star Wars missle defense
and he thanked Jesus for his good fortune

And Ronald remembered
it was such a marvelous dream
impossible it seemed
and so real and perfect
as if it mattered:
a king, no a god, they applaud
as if he's...

Nancy I woke from such
a marvelous dream
I was President you see
and oh God Nancy
why are you crying?

It's just a dream
without purpose or reason
like the one I had last season
where I was an actor
out in Hollywood

Such a marvelous dream

© Christian Kiefer, BMI

So the 46 Songs for 46 Presidents was done by three guys, not 46, as I had assumed all along. Kiefer's web site is currently dead, so in the hopes that posting the lyrics here will keep them from being completely forgotten, that's them up there. The song's still out there on YouTube, like at . It's fitting that it's been misinterpreted by the same sort of people who didn't get what "Born in the USA" was about.