Sunday, January 30, 2022

How I solved wordle 225

I always start with the same word.
No vowels, so now I always go with this second word (it's the plural of sulcus, a type of furrow that your brain has plenty of):


Let's try for some more consonants, as well as testing for the 'Y'. Fortunately there's a word that does it all:

So if this word has 2 'U's, it would probably be an "UN-" word. Let's focus on the keyboard and try to find some common words that use the remaining letters (we can quickly eliminate "UNTIL", "UNCUT', "UNFIT", etc. because those letters are gone. So our word most likely has 4 consonants and the 'U'. The 'R' is most likely in position 2 because it follows so many consonants, and the 'N' is probably in position 4 because it readily precedes consonants. I'm now racking my sulci thinking of words that start with "WRU", "DRU", "FRU", "GRU", or "BRU".

Before I looked at the keyboard I had first thought of "CRUMB" but word 2 eliminated the 'C'. So let's try words that end with 'G'. "BRUNG" seems most likely.

OK. How about "WRUNG"?


Note that if the 'G' was wrong I would have tried "DRUNK", so "BRUNG" was a good word, because if it fails it points the way to the winning guess at try 5.

My system often requires four tries where other people are getting the word at try 3 or even 2 (and my system will never get a hit on try 1 or 2 because my initial words are valid guesses but will never be goal words). But the system hasn't let me down yet.


David Scrimshaw said...

If your method brings you pleasure, I am in no position to criticize it.

But as someone who tries to never play a word that could not be the goal word, I could not use your method.

On the pluse side for me, I've had a couple of 2s playing Archived games, and 40% of my results are 3s.

On the downside, I've had some where I have 4 correct letters but go to 6 tries because there are several choices for the fifth letter and I have to try each one in a separate word, rather than playing a word that can't win, but would show me which letter is the one to use.

Eric Promislow said...

So you'll never know the joy of using "WAKFS" at line 3 or 4 when you know it's one of those consonants.

Eric Promislow said...

So you'll never know the joy of using "WAKFS" at line 3 or 4 when you know it's one of those consonants.

David Scrimshaw said...

Well, if I start with TRAIN and get a yellow A, I suppose I could try it. Although someone said that although plurals are accepted as guesses, the goal word in never a plural.